album stuart chatwood

les albums de stuart chatwood

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Darkest Dungeon (Original Video Game Soundtrack)

102:46Darkest Dungeon (Theme)
202:58The Town
308:51Explore the Vaults
403:36Combat in the Vaults
502:18A Brief Respite (Camp Theme)
601:20Battle in the Warrens
701:22Return to the Warrens
802:25Mournweald Encounter
902:05Terror and Madness (Trailer)
1002:40House of Ruin (Trailer)
1104:34The Cove Battle
1205:21The Final Combat
1301:19The End
1406:08Town in Chaos
1504:36The Cove Battle Siren
1605:44Bloodletting of the Crimson Court
1700:56A Mocking Thirst
1800:57Forbidden Tannin