album scorpions

les albums de scorpions

1547Fans 362tabs
Note cet artiste

Platinum Rock

100:00Virgin Killeroui
200:00Speedy's Coming
300:00Dark Lady
400:00Steamrock Feveroui
500:00He's a Woman ? She's a Man
600:00Backstage Queenoui
700:00Catch Your Trainoui
800:00Robot Man
900:00Longing for Fire
1000:00Polar Nightsoui
1100:00Hell Cat
1200:00Top of the Bill
1300:00The Sails of Charonoui
1400:00The Riot of Your Time
1500:00Sun in My Hand
1600:00Far Away
1700:00I've Got to Be Free
1800:00Hound Dog (live)
1900:00Long Tall Sally (live)
2000:00Kojo No Tsuki (live)