album saosin

les albums de saosin

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Live From the Garden Amphitheater

105:26It's Far Better to Learn (live)
203:15Sleepers (live)
303:47Voices (live)
401:00Cove's Memory (live)
503:24Finding Home (live)
603:39Bury Your Head (live)oui
701:41Only 20 Once (live)
803:17Pitiful (live)
903:35Zero (live)
1004:45You're Not Alone (live)
1105:12Seven (live)
1203:40Pattern Against User (live)
1300:25Can We Play Our Songs Now? (live)
1403:54The Silver String (live)
1500:38Hometown Feeling (live)
1603:35I Can Tell There Was an Accident Here Earlier (live)oui
1703:10Racing Towards a Red Light (live)
1803:27Seven Years (live)oui
1903:46Translating the Name (live)
2001:08This Changed My Life (live)
2102:523rd Measurement in C (live)oui
2203:23Lost Symphonies (live)oui
2305:15They Perched on Their Stilts, Pointing and Daring Me to Break Custom (live)