album rusty york

les albums de rusty york

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Dueling Banjos

102:41Dueling Banjos (The From the Movie Deliverance)
202:33Little Maggie
302:17Grandfathers Clock
402:14Duel Between a Fiddle and a Banjo
502:34Molly and Tenbrooks
603:07Amazing Grace
701:57Foggy Mountain Breakdown (Theme From Movie Bonnie and Clyde)
801:50Pretty Polly
901:53I'll Fly Away (vocal) Lonnie Mack
1002:03Bile Them Cabbage Down
1103:05Going Down the Road Feellin' Bad
1202:25Cannonball Rag
1402:44Ole Rattler
1502:06Cripple Creek
1603:29Back Up and Push