album riccardo cocciante

les albums de riccardo cocciante

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Notre-Dame de Paris (2000 studio cast)

riccardo cocciante - Notre-Dame de Paris (2000 studio cast)
103:58Live for the One I Love
203:21The Age of the Cathedrals
303:34The Refugees
405:21The Bohemienne Song
504:37Belle (Is the Only Word)
602:25My Heart If You Will Swear
703:20Torn Apart
804:55The Bells
903:36The Pagan Ave Maria
1003:00Your Love Will Kill Me
1203:40God You Made the World All Wrong
1303:42I'm a Priest
1403:14The Birds They Put in Cages
1502:52Cast Away
1603:39Live for the One I Love
1704:29Dance My Esmeralda