album piotr tchaikovsky

les albums de piotr tchaikovsky

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Swan Lake & Sleeping Beauty Suites

102:37Swan Lake Suite: Scene (Act II)
207:09Swan Lake Suite: Valse (Act I)
301:31Swan Lake Suite: Dance of the Little Swans (Act II)
406:33Swan Lake Suite: Scene and Second Dance of the Queen of the Swans (Act II)
503:37Swan Lake Suite: Czardas (Act III)
604:21Swan Lake Suite: Finale (Act IV)
705:17The Sleeping Beauty Suite: Introduction and Lilac Fairy (Prologue)
806:33The Sleeping Beauty Suite: Pas D'Action (Adagio) (Act I)
902:03The Sleeping Beauty Suite: Pas De Caractere (Puss in Boots) (Act III)
1003:36The Sleeping Beauty Suite: Panorama (Act II)
1104:11The Sleeping Beauty Suite: Valse (Act I)