album pink floyd

les albums de pink floyd

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The Early Years: 1972: Obfusc/ation

pink floyd - The Early Years: 1972: Obfusc/ation
105:04Wot's… Uh the Deal
205:04Wot's… Uh the Deal
305:50One of These Daysoui
412:49A Saucerful of Secretsoui
704:33Childhood's End
805:19Journal de Paris – Les Pink Floyd, Paris, 12 January 1973
905:19Journal de Paris – Les Pink Floyd, Paris, 12 January 1973
1007:03Careful With That Axe, Eugeneoui
1107:03Careful With That Axe, Eugeneoui
1205:59One of These Daysoui
1310:22Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sunoui
1410:22Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sunoui