album peter combe

les albums de peter combe

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Music Time

100:56Down In The Meadow
201:46Zum Gali Gali
301:47Zum Gali Gali (accompaniment)
402:07Jennie Jenkins
501:13Wake Snake
601:11Song Of The Delhi Tongawallah
700:43John Smith, Fellow Fine
800:43John Smith, Fellow Fine (accompaniment)
902:01Rolling Home
1001:29Three Little Pigs
1102:52Strawberry Fair
1202:56Strawberry Fair (accompaniment)
1302:05William Brown
1401:54Kumba Yah
1502:08Tinga Layo
1601:42Tinga Layo (accompaniment)
1701:57The Old Cow Died
1800:45Sunday Morning Tune
1900:46Sunday Morning Tune (accompaniment)
2002:10Cosher Bailey
2100:49Down The Road
2200:52Down The Road (accompaniment)
2302:24Wassail Song
2402:33Every Star Shall Sing A Carol