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I'm Confessin'

103:14When You Were Sweet Sixteen
202:34Easter Parade
302:49I'm Confessin' That I Love You
403:10Till the End of Time
502:55Chi Baba Chi Baba (My Bambino Go to Sleep)
603:03I'll Always Be With You
702:57Did You Ever Get That Feeling in the Moonlight?
803:06I'm Always Chasing Rainbows
902:56If I'm Lucky
1003:09More Than You Know
1103:05A Garden in the Rain
1200:00Girl of My Dreams
1300:00When Tonight is Just a Memory
1400:00They Say it's Wonderful
1500:00Blue Skies
1600:00I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now?
1700:00Little Man You've had a Busy Day
1800:00You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby
1900:00If You Were the Only Girl in the World