album orphaned land

les albums de orphaned land

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Resurrection: The Very First Years of Orphaned Land

103:36Broken Epitaph (rehearsal) (oldest Version; instrumental)
202:19Broken Epitaph (rehearsal) (new version; song's opening)
305:08Broken Epitaph (live at the Roxan club)
404:55Radiation Decay (live at the Roxan club)
505:32The Beloved's Cry (home sketch)oui
604:03Resurrection Day
703:46Jack the Ripper (rehearsal)
807:25Drug Abuse (rehearsal)
905:25Above You All (rehearsal)
1003:01No Title (rehearsal)
1103:53Unburied Corpse (rehearsal)
1203:45Unburied Corpse (1991 distorted bass version)