album oh you pretty things

les albums de oh you pretty things

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Introducing The Pretty Things

100:00S. F. Sorrow Is Born (Phil May, Dick Taylor, Wally Waller)
200:00Judgement Day (adapte par les Pretty Things)
300:00Roadrunner (Ellas McDaniel)
400:00Honey I Need (Dick Taylor, « Button », « Smithling »)
500:00Don't Bring Me Down (Johnnie Dee)
600:00You Don't Believe Me (Bobby Graham, Phil May, Willie Morrell, Jimmy Page)
700:00Grass (Phil May, Wally Waller)
800:00Come See Me (Sidney Barnes, J. J. Jackson, Pierre Tubbs)
900:00L.S.D. (Phil May, Dick Taylor)oui
1000:00Death of a Socialite (Phil May, Ian Stirling, Dick Taylor)
1100:00Office Love (Phil May, Peter Tolson)
1200:00Photographer (Phil May, Ian Stirling, Dick Taylor)
1300:00Defecting Grey (Phil May, Dick Taylor, Wally Waller)
1400:00All Light Up (Phil May, Jon Povey)
1500:00The Beat Goes On (Phil May, Frank Holland, Mark St. John)
1600:00(Blues For) Robert Johnson (Phil May, Frank Holland)