album nirvana

les albums de nirvana

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With the Lights Out - Box Set

103:23Rape Me (solo acoustic, 1992)oui
203:01Rape Me (demo, 1992)oui
309:32Scentless Apprentice (rehearsal demo, 1992)oui
405:31Heart?Shaped Box (demo, 1993)
504:03I Hate Myself and I Want to Die (B‐side, 1993)oui
604:34Milk It (demo, 1993)oui
701:56Moist Vaginaoui
807:34Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the Strip (B‐side, 1993)oui
906:24The Other Improv (demo, 1993)
1001:36Serve the Servants (solo acoustic, 1993)oui
1101:52Very Ape (solo acoustic, 1993)oui
1203:30Pennyroyal Tea (solo acoustic, 1993)oui
1503:57Jesus Doesn?t Want Me for a Sunbeam (rehearsal demo, 1994)
1604:22Do Re Mi (Home demo)oui
1702:30You Know You?re Right (home demo)
1803:33All Apologies (solo acoustic, undated)oui