album nirvana

les albums de nirvana

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The Story of Simon Simopath

nirvana - The Story of Simon Simopath
103:21Wings of Love (Stereo)
202:32Lonely Boy (Stereo)
301:59We Can Help You (Stereo)
402:35Satellite Jockey (Stereo)
502:36In the Courtyard of the Stars (Stereo)
602:07You Are Just the One (Stereo)
703:08Pentecost Hotel (Stereo)
802:51I Never Had a Love Like This Before (Stereo)
902:18Take This Hand (Stereo)
1002:161999 (Stereo)
1103:22Wings of Love (Mono)
1202:33Lonely Boy (Mono)
1302:07We Can Help You (Mono)
1402:39Satellite Jockey (Mono)
1502:35In the Courtyard of the Stars (Mono)
1602:09You Are Just the One (Mono)
1703:13Pentecost Hotel (Mono)
1802:50I Never Had a Love Like This Before (Mono)
1902:18Take This Hand (Mono)
2002:101999 (Mono)
2103:25I Believe in Magic (single)
2203:17Life Ain't Easy (single)
2302:22Feelin' Shattered (single)
2404:53Requiem to John Coltrane (single)


le 26/08/2008 10:52:16

"the story of simon simopath" n'est un album du Nirvana avec novolesic grohl et cobain, mais un groupe avant eux !