album mr big

les albums de mr big

14Fans 21tabs
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Big, Bigger, Biggest! The Best of Mr. Big!

mr big - Big, Bigger, Biggest! The Best of Mr. Big!
104:46Addicted to That Rush
203:50Rock & Roll Over
303:30Green-Tinted Sixties Mind
403:27To Be With Yououi
504:25Just Take My Heartoui
603:56Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy (The Electric Drill Song)
703:29Wild Worldoui
804:13Colorado Bulldog
904:06Promise Her the Moonoui
1003:45Nothing but Love
1104:37Take Cover
1204:19Goin? Where the Wind Blows
1302:38Seven Impossible Days
1403:38Not One Night
1603:35Stay Together