album michel legrand

les albums de michel legrand

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Between Yesterday and Tomorrow (The Extraordinary Story of an Ordinary Woman)

michel legrand - Between Yesterday and Tomorrow (The Extraordinary Story of an Ordinary Woman)
202:46Mother and Child
301:09Mother and Child Interlude
403:02Where Does the Wind Come From?
502:00Where Does the Wind Come From (interlude)
603:18Hold Me
703:28Can You Tell the Moment?
803:02Fairy Tales and Story Books
902:59An Unexpected Smile
1001:26An Unexpected Smile (interlude)
1102:22With You
1201:39You and I Plus One
1301:13You and I Plus One (interlude)
1406:36Mother and Child Duo
1601:51Wait (interlude)
1703:13The More You Have
1803:52Yesterday's Apples
1904:08Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
2004:53Last Breath