album michael giacchino

les albums de michael giacchino

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The Batman

103:48An Im-purr-fect Murder
202:22The Great Pumpkin Pie
304:55Hoarding School
402:38Don't Be Voyeur With Me
504:33A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 1
606:42A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 2
703:05The Bat's True Calling
802:41All's Well That Ends Farewell
901:15Collar ID
1002:44Escaped Crusader
1103:44Penguin of Guilt
1205:19Highway to the Anger Zone
1303:34World's Worst Translator
1401:54Riddles, Riddles Everywhere
1505:18Meow and You and Everyone We Know
1602:38For All Your Pennyworth
1705:45Are You a Kenzie or a Can't-zie?