album mari boine

les albums de mari boine

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Gilvve gollát - Sow Your Gold

104:09Trilobihta lávlla (Song from a trilobite)
206:06Gula gula (Hear the Voices of the Foremothers)
306:57Goaskinviellja (Eaglebrother)
406:54Dutnje (To You)
506:56Jearrat biekkas (To Ask the Wind)
606:10Boadan nuppi bealde (I Come from the Other Side)
704:59Butterfly (Beaivelottá?)
905:03Mu váibmu vádjul doppe (Hymn)
1005:08Gilvve gollát (Sow your gold)
1104:51Alla Hearrá guhkkin Osllos (Hey, Mr. Almighty Down There in Oslo)