album margie butler

les albums de margie butler

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Celtic Harp

104:22The Window Pane / The Sweet Nightengale
204:28Lord Inchiquin
305:52Snow Geese
404:30Sleeps the Noon / We Brought the Summer With Us / The Song of the White Strand
503:52Swans Among the Rushes
603:23The Lure of the Fairy Hill
704:51Pilib an Cheoil / A wet December / Tarbolton Reel
805:09The Hills of Ireland / The Willow Tree
904:39Celia Connallon / Sunday Morning
1004:28Lure of the Sea Maiden / The Mermaid
1104:42Turtle Dove / Dance of the Waves
1304:56Alala das Marinas / An Hini Dilezhet