album lurrie bell

les albums de lurrie bell

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Mercurial Son

102:56Your Daddy Done Tripped the Trigger
203:43Your Wild Thing Ain't Wild Enough - (instrumental)
303:13Sweet Daddy, Rest in Peace
406:49Blues in the Year One-D-One
501:45Just One Hour Behind the Sun
604:27Lurrie's Cool Groove
704:39Tell Me About Your Love
802:33Longview, Texas Trainwreck
902:55Voo-Doo Whammy #2
1005:57Lurrie Bell's Hipshank - (Vocal)
1106:08Blues All Around Me
1203:07West Side Woman
1303:00Voo-Doo Whammy #1
1403:44Your Wild Thing Ain't Wild Enough - (Vocal)
1506:12Lurrie Bell's Hipshank - (instrumental)