album ludwig van beethoven

les albums de ludwig van beethoven

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The Early Piano Variations

ludwig van beethoven - The Early Piano Variations
111:24Thirteen Variations in A major on the Arietta "Es war einmal ein alter Mann" From the Singspiel "Das rote Kppchen" by Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf, WoO 66
211:56Twelve Variations in C major on the "Menuett la Vigano" From the Ballet "Le nozze disturbate" by Jakob Haibel, WoO 68
304:47Nine Variations in A major on the Aria "Quant? pi bello" From the Opera "La Molinara" by Giovanni Paisiello, WoO 69
404:48Six Variations in C major on the Duet "Nel cor pi non mi sento" From the Opera "La Molinara" by Giovanni Paisiello, WoO 70
509:21Twelve Variations in A major on the Russian Dance From the Ballet "Das Waldmdchen" by Paul Wranitzky, WoO 71
605:46Eight Variations in C major on the Romance "Une ?vre brlante" From the Opera "Richard Coeur de Lion" by Andr Grtry, WoO 72
709:00Ten Variations in B? major on the Duet "La stessa, la stessissima" From the Opera "Falstaff" by Antonio Salieri, WoO 73
809:58Seven Variations in F major on the Quartet "Kind, willst du ruhig schlafen" From the Opera "Das unterbrochene Opferfest" by Peter Winter, WoO 75