album keith and kristyn getty

les albums de keith and kristyn getty

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Sing! Live At The Getty Music Worship Conference

103:53All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name (Live)
203:29How Shall I Sing? (Live)
303:42Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery (Live)
405:23The Lord Is My Salvation (Live)
504:11Lift High The Name Of Jesus (Live)
603:28Hallelujah! What A Savior (Live)
705:09Blessings (Live)
804:16All I Have Is Christ (Live)
904:30For The Cause (Live)
1005:10He Will Hold Me Fast (Live)
1105:04God, The Uncreated One (King Forevermore) (Live)
1204:26What Sacred Fountain (Live)
1303:49The Power Of The Cross (Live)
1404:03Jesus Shall Reign (Live)
1504:20In Christ Alone (Live)
1603:02Arioso (Live)