album keith and kristyn getty

les albums de keith and kristyn getty

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Sing! Global (Live At The Getty Music Worship Conference)

104:17Christ Our Hope In Life And Death (Live / Songwriter's Edition)
203:36Psalm 150 (Praise The Lord) (Live)
303:48Habla, Oh Dios (Speak O Lord) (Live)
404:28Lovingkindness (Live)
505:19Psalm 121 (I Lift My Eyes) (Live)
605:04The Lord Is In His Holy Temple (Live / World Prayers Edition)
701:53Yesu (Live)
804:27My Worth Is Not In What I Own (At The Cross) (Live)
905:01Every Promise Of Your Word (Live)
1003:17A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Live)
1104:11Lift High The Name Of Jesus (Live)
1204:38The Everlasting Love Of God (Live)
1304:43Christ The True And Better (Live)
1403:31Across The Lands (Live / Sing! Global Edition)
1504:09Speak O Lord (Live)
1604:53Grace (Live)
1704:40Great Is Thy Faithfulness / My Redeemer Is Faithful And True (Live / Medley)
1804:11There Is A Higher Throne (Live / Sing! Global Edition)
1904:25We Will Feast In The House of Zion (Live)