album john michael talbot

les albums de john michael talbot

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The John Michael Talbot Collection: A Library of 35 Favorite Songs

john michael talbot - The John Michael Talbot Collection: A Library of 35 Favorite Songs
103:42In the Beginning
205:38Creed I
302:16Lamb of God
402:53Let Us Sing to the Lord
502:25Lamb of God
603:49Father, I Put My Life in Your Hands
705:04Ode to the Bride
803:02Celebration Dance
903:30Holy Is His Name
1004:24One Dark Night
1104:26One Faith
1205:47The Lilies of the Field
1304:54The Bread of Life
1405:11Eternal Light
1603:50Glory to God
1704:16I Am the Bread of Life