album john lee hooker

les albums de john lee hooker

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The Unknown John Lee Hooker 1949 Recordings

103:19Guitar Blues Instrumental
203:22Two White Horses
303:59Trouble in Mind
402:52Catfish Blues
503:10John Henry
603:33How Long Blues
702:58Ezekiel Saw the Wheel
802:49Jack o' Diamonds
903:56Water Boy
1004:22Six Little Puppies and Twelve Shaggy Hounds
1104:40In the Evenin' When the Sun Goes Down
1202:28Old Blind Barnabus
1301:59Moses Smote the Water
1400:35Spoken Interlude
1504:04Rabbit on the Log
1602:16Come and See About Me
1702:0633 Blues
1802:14She's Real Gone
1902:47I Wonder
2003:01Untitled Slow Blues