album jimmie davis

les albums de jimmie davis

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Jimmie Davis

100:00You Are My Sunshine
200:00Nobody's Darlin' but Mine
300:00It Makes No Difference Now
400:00I Just Dropped in to Say Goodbye
500:00There's a New Moon Over My Shoulder
600:00I Wish I Had Never Seen Sunshine
700:00Sweethearts or Strangers
800:00I Hung My Head and Cried
900:00Grievin' My Heart Out for You
1000:00Goodbye Old Booze
1100:00There's a Gold Mine in the Sky
1200:00The Prisoner's Song
1300:00I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes
1400:00Tears on My Pillow
1500:00Columbus Stockade Blues
1600:00I Dreamed of an Old Love Affair
1700:00When It's Peach Picking Time in Georgia
1800:00Jimmie's Travelin' Blues
1900:00Shackles and Chains
2000:00High Geared Daddy