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Zdenka 2080

202:46Octagonal Room
302:16She Wakes Up / First Dimension
402:29Love the Sun
501:22Cirrus Floccus / Second Dimension
602:27Cumulous Potion (For the Clouds to Sing)
702:29Nostalgic Montage
801:56Meet Zee in 3-D / Third Dimension
902:07Confessions of the Metropolis Spaceship
1001:14A Brief Intermission
1102:11Sitting With Thoughts
1202:23Earth Creature
1302:19Peculiar Machine / Fourth Dimension
1500:37You Get Blue
1602:14Diatoms and Dinoflagellates / Fifth Dimension
1702:21Transformation of a Molecule / Sixth Dimension
1802:34The Artist / Seventh Dimension
1901:29Collision, Gravity, Time
2001:10Heads Turn to Paintings
2101:38Cosmic Dawn / Eighth Dimension
2202:00To Be Continued...