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Zap the Universe

101:00Theme From "The Polkaholics"
200:11Isn't Life Funny
302:55A.M. Mayhem
402:39(In Memory of) Rondo Hatton
501:18Oh! What a Beautiful Lovely Piece of Shit
701:21Do You Want to Know a Secret
802:23The Grand Route
902:10Beautiful Terrorist Girls
1002:55Raking Ants
1100:54Poop on a Coupon
1301:09Satanic Litany
1501:00Zap the Universe
1603:27Surfin' Through the Swamp
1702:20Pop Squids
1801:16Another Dirge
1902:03A Case in Point
2000:25Hate Music
2103:17Place a Joan of Arc Handpuppet, Made From a Dolls Head and Burlap, Over a Fully Erect Penis, and Once Bound Securely, Strike a Match
2209:22Slow Song
2302:23The Incredible Half Step
2400:26Fuck the People