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William Shakespeare?s R&J: The Concert

202:48Rebellious Subjects
302:23The Feast of Capulet
402:33Gentle Sin
503:05Juliet Is the Sun
601:41Take All Myself
705:45Two in One
803:33Plague on Both Houses
903:33Fortune's Fool
1002:11Mansion of a Love
1102:44Back Foolish Tears
1202:05Verona Walls
1302:48There Art Thou Happy
1403:27Let's Talk
1502:45I Will Not Marry Paris
1603:17Like Death
1703:17What If
1802:17O Woeful Day
1903:08Ill News
2002:46Here Will I Remain
2102:54Kiss Thy Lips
2203:44A Story of Woe