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Welcome to McCAland

102:56Television / Enter McCAland
202:12Hey Man, You Gotta Nice Job.
303:40I'm So Poor. Buy My CD.
402:42Mental Carcus
502:06You Give Me an Ulcer
602:16What Would You Do If I Shared My Umbrella With You?
701:52A Love Song for Queen Victoria
903:50I Don't Know Why This Is Happening to You
1001:13Prologue / Scene 1 - This Is Our Hero
1101:53Scene 2 - Barfly Falls In Love
1203:10Scene 3 - Can I Getcha a Drink?
1301:28Scene 4 - She Ain't Nothin' But Trouble
1401:24Scene 5 -Get Nice Clothes
1500:14Scene 6 - Learn to Be a Gentlebug
1602:02Scene 7 - Learn to Speak Properly
1701:36Scene 8 - Quit Smoking
1802:02Scene 9 - Find Religion
1901:04Scene 10 - Get a Good Job
2002:51Scene 11 - True Love Is Yours