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Welcome to Grind-o-Land

200:00The Hurricane?s Terrific Gravity Force
300:00Caught in a Perfidious Net
400:00Girl Trouble in the Double Whirl
500:00The Incredible Yell from the Carousel
600:00The Umbrella Jump
700:00The Unfortunate Somersault Fault
800:00The Groundbreaking Looping
900:00Tragic Artistic Acrobatics
1000:00Nigger Segregation vs. Honky Arrogance
1100:0085-Feet Drop
1200:00Bizarre Ice Cream Break
1300:00Demented Breakneck Ride
1400:00The Pachydermic Chair
1500:00High Commotion Mountain Dive
1600:00Fright at Freight Sight