album jeux videos

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Watauga County, NC Old Time Music

201:23Lost John
302:00Red Rocking Chair
403:23Black Eyed Susie
501:38Sourwood Mountain
602:51Shortening Bread
700:59Cindy (Ora on banjo)
803:41House Carpenter
902:06Little Brown Jug
1002:36Bulldog Down in Sunny Tennessee
1102:40Soldier's Joy
1202:06Golden Curls
1301:55Turkey in the Straw
1402:05Pretty Fair Maid Who Lived on the Plain
1503:10Worried Man Blues
1602:27Charlie Lawson Tragedy
1701:19Freight Train
1801:57Black Mountain Rag
1901:37Hey Mona
2002:27Sally Goodin
2103:48Farther Along
2201:01Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
2301:20True Life Blues
2403:05Buffalo Gals
2502:03Bile Them Cabbage Down