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Violin Playing Game, Vol. 2

103:30Blitzball Gamblers - Final Fantasy X
202:58Vivi's Theme - Final Fantasy IX
304:40You Are Not Alone - Final Fantasy IX
402:10Costa del Sol - Final Fantasy VII
501:50Battle Theme - Final Fantasy VI
601:26Hometown Domina - Seiken Densetsu: Legend of Mana
703:58Gothic Neclord - Suikoden II
802:08Children Playing in the Fields - Suikoden II
902:25Battle With Magus - Chrono Trigger
1001:52Main Theme - Doom 64
1101:51Carnival Night Zone: Act 1 - Sonic 3
1201:52Main Theme - Doom 64 (without percussion)
1303:58Bonus Track: Gothic Neclord - Suikoden II (without percussion)