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Video Game Music Arrangements vol.1

100:25Report from Space - The last metroid (Super Metroid)
203:26Synthetic Warrior - Theme of Samus (Super Metroid)
302:01Ruins on Acid (Undertale)
405:17Memories (Undertale Medley)
502:32The cursed library (Castlevania Symphony of the Night)
604:41Dracula's Jam (Castlevania Symphony of the Night)
703:15It's payback time (Contra Hard Corps)
803:26Crimson Catacombs (Super Metroid)
904:22Maridia's deep waters (Super Metroid)
1003:15In the Depths of Dreams (Yume Nikki)
1102:58Winter Symphony (The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time)
1203:56Runner AD2025 (Alien Soldier)
1300:40Quality Mayro Rips