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VGM Acapella: Volume X

104:11Gusty Garden Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy
203:43The World Revolving - Deltarune
301:58Piranha Plant Lullaby - Super Mario 64
402:46Rude Buster - Deltarune
502:30Title Theme V2- Zelda: Ocarina of Time
603:05Hopes and Dreams - Undertale
702:07Zelda's Lullaby - Zelda: Ocarina of Time
802:19Hip Shop - Deltarune
903:59A Fleeting Dream - Final Fantasy X
1002:05Goldenrod City - Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
1101:45Celadon City - Pokemon R/B/Y
1202:19Brinstar Red Soil - Super Metroid
1302:11Password Theme - Mega Man X
1404:28Chill - Undertale