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Unser Handwerk... Live!

102:38Good Rockin' Tonight
203:40Daydream Believer
303:07Boat on the River
402:45Sweet Georgia Brown
502:39Looking Out My Back Door
603:56Baby Can I Hold You?
703:01Does Your Chewing Gum Loose It's Flavour
904:49The Boxer
1003:05Here Comes the Sun
1104:12Don't Pay the Ferryman
1202:29New York Mining Desaster 1941
1304:02Stop Stop Stop
1402:08Tip Toe
1504:33Medley: Livin' Doll, Lucky Lips
1604:25Speedy Gonzales
1704:18Lustig, lustig, Ihr lieben Brüder
1802:27I Saw Her Standing There
1903:16Johnny Walker