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Under the Greenwood Tree

102:46Arise And Hail The Joyful Day
203:15Morgianna / The Pantaloon Quadrille
302:18Hail Happy Morn
403:28Kiss Me My Love And Welcome / Drops Of Brandy (1) / Drops Of Brandy (2)
502:55Awake And Join The Cheerful Choir
604:32The Gipsey's Hornpipe / Ashley's Hornpipe / The One Eyed Fiddler
702:56See Heaven's High Portals
801:24I'm Off To Charlestown
902:12Awake, Awake Ye Mortals All
1002:55While Shepherds Watched
1102:55Fairy Dance / Tink A Tink
1202:12Behold The Morning Star
1304:04Moss Roses / Droll Johnny / The Flight
1401:48The Musical Lovers
1503:27Lord Nelson's Hornpipe / Enrico
1603:07Arise And Hail The Sacred Day
1704:44Rejoice This Glorious Day Is Come
1802:51The Triumph