album jeux videos

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Two Sides of the Moon

jeux videos - Two Sides of the Moon
102:08Crazy Like a Fox
202:48Solid Gold
303:32Don't Worry Baby
403:14Teenage idol (Take 1 - 21/8/74 - intro & chat from Takes 4-6)
503:04The Kids Are Alright
603:11Move Over Ms. L
702:20Teenage Idol
802:32Back Door Sally
902:44In My Life
1103:17Lies (outtake)
1204:04I Don't Suppose (outtake)
1303:46Hot Rod Queen (outtake)
1403:13Don't Worry Baby (original 1974 US single)
1502:16Teenage Idol (original 1974 US single)
1602:47I'm not angry (4/10/74 - edit of takes 9 & 10)
1703:39One Night Stand (Mal Evans mix)