album jeux videos

les albums de jeux videos

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Transmuted to a 7 Headed Monster

204:08Sacrifice (For War mix by 6.1.6. For Reaxion Guerrilla)
304:52Dulce Tiranía (For Amn3sia)
405:08Capitol Drunk (Under My Hex mix for Bleeding Corp)
505:21Paranoia (Persigue Me mix for Paranoia Bio Project)
604:39Sacrifice (For Hydra mix for Reaxion Guerrilla)
703:22Zalvinorin A (remix for Wedreu)
804:36Natural Born Sinners (remixed for No Forgiveness)
906:14Encerrado En La Voz de Dios
1005:24Fire in the Sky
1105:42The Burial of the Church
1205:47A Nuestro Luzbel
1304:03Dirty Prayers
1405:38Deseos Prohibidos
1504:537 Whores Before My Rage
1604:50Deseos Prohibidos (remixed by Ec)
1704:53Mi Mundo Nunca Fue El Vuestro (Doppelgänger mix for Larva)
1805:19I Am Halloween (Doppelgänger mix for Midnight Nightmare)