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Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love

104:11As Zion's Youth in Latter Days
202:48Joseph Smith's First Prayer
304:46'Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love
402:49All Glory, Laud & Honor / Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
502:10Adam-Ondi Ahman
603:55Did You Think to Pray
702:56I Need Thee Every Hour
803:03Israel, Israel, God Is Calling
903:03That Solemn Night
1002:12Rock of Ages / Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer
1102:14Now Thank We All Our God
1204:16A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
1303:46Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
1402:40Sweet Is the Work
1501:29Abide With Me, 'tis Eventide