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The Windy Gap

105:45Paddy Fahy's / Tatter Jack Walsh / Hole in the Boat
202:37Thady Casey's / Tommy Gunn's
303:36Sean Ryan's Hornpipes
405:04Cuz Tehans / The Old Grand Spey
503:22Brauch Na Carrige Baine
602:49The Ash Plant / The Merry Harriers / Galway Rambler
703:16The Green Eyed Lass / The Blooming Meadows
803:30The Colliers / Toss the Feathers
903:28The Windy Gap / Lady Anne Montgomery
1003:18The Morning Dew / The Rising Sun / Sean Og's
1102:13Sean O'Driscoll's / P.T. Connor's
1204:32Sporting Mall / Sean Ryan's
1302:15The May Morning Dew
1402:44Maureen Glynn's / Pull the Knife and Stick It Again