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The Vocal Works (1975-1981)

101:24Three Poems of Robert Frost: No. 1. Dust of Snow
201:21Three Poems of Robert Frost: No. 2. The Rose Family
302:04Three Poems of Robert Frost: No. 3. The Line Gang
403:16A Mirror on Which to Dwell: No. 1. Anaphora
502:33A Mirror on Which to Dwell: No. 2. Argument
602:20A Mirror on Which to Dwell: No. 3. Sandpiper
702:41A Mirror on Which to Dwell: No. 4. Insomnia
802:57A Mirror on Which to Dwell: No. 5. View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress
903:28A Mirror on Which to Dwell: No. 6. O Breath
1103:09In Sleep, in Thunder: No. 1. Dolphin
1203:19In Sleep, in Thunder: No. 2. Across the Yard: La Ignota
1303:37In Sleep, in Thunder: No. 3. Harriet
1403:21In Sleep, in Thunder: No. 4. Dies Irae
1504:33In Sleep, in Thunder: No. 5. Careless Night
1602:30In Sleep, in Thunder: No. 6. In Genesis