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The Ultimate Party Collection, Volume 1

101:00I Like Nerds
201:43I Ain't Scared
304:06When I Lay You Down
401:25This Bitch Is Alright
501:59Black History Month
601:07Walking Around the Bar Looking for a Girl to Eat Out
701:14Everybody Want a Hot Girl They Could ****
803:25Back to School
901:28I've Got Something on My Mind
1002:32Mammarys and Cammarys
1201:59Master So Fine
1301:22Oh Jesus
1401:01I'm Putting Spoons in Your Girlfriend
1500:54How Bad Do You Want My Vagina Inside You
1605:01Halloween Costume Contest
1702:52Cats and Dogs
1801:12Girl You Know I Love You
1900:09Rice and Gravy
2003:42A Dude Named Shawn
2100:22Six in a Row
2201:02Spread Ya Lips Bitch
2301:25Do You Wanna Come to My House