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The Three Ravens - Elizabethan Folk & Minstrel Songs

103:22The Three Ravens
201:45The Cuckoo
301:43How should I your true love know
402:17Sweet Nightingale
501:45I Will Give My Love an Apple
602:23The Oak and the Ash
703:31Annie Laurie
801:24Go From My Window
902:44King Henry
1002:20Coventry Carol
1102:10Barbara Allen
1201:59Heigh Ho, the Wind and the Rain
1303:03O Waly, Waly
1402:14Down in Yon Forest
1503:08Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
1602:19A Toye
1701:53Queen's Maries
1801:34The Tailor and the Mouse
1902:44Sussex Carol