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The Tender Yellow Ponies of Insomnia

103:25A (Dog Found a Stick in a Park With Such Magical Powers That a Bark Caused a Marvelous Pie to Drop Out of the Sky and the Doggy Would Grin Like a Shark)
203:43Ariadne Metal Cream Pie
302:09The Postman's Dry
403:26The Cake of Convention
501:52Programme Controller Flowers
602:53I Don't Have a Horse
700:31Poodle Haddock, Part 1
801:59Poodle Haddock, Part 2
902:32Conversation Gap Panic
1002:12Suzzing Unobtrusively
1100:51The Amphibious Nun
1201:54Love You More
1401:12Into the Valley of Death Rode the Six Hundred Shouting "Dig It"
1507:14Don't Eat Aluminium
1602:09To Hell With It, Let Her Keep the Chicken (The Postman's Dryer)