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The Super Slam Bros. Melee EP

100:06Level 1
201:02Slammett (Onett)
300:40Slam Slams (Green Greens)
401:11Slam Zone (Flat Zone)
500:35Saria's Slam (Saria's Song)
600:51Pokémon Slammium (Pokémon Stadium)
700:14Level 2
800:49Yoshi's Islam (Yoshi's Island)
900:58Slam Temple (Hyrule Temple)
1000:51Target Slam! (Target Smash!)
1100:51Mushlam Kingdom (Mushroom Kingdom)
1201:32Fountain of Slam (Fountain of Dreams)
1301:02Slameria (Corneria)
1400:35Main Slam (Main Menu)
1500:54Rainbow Slam (Rainbow Cruise)
1600:14Level 3
1700:45Slam Emblem (Fire Emblem)
1800:46Slam City (Mute City)
1900:40Mach Slam (Mach Rider)
2002:05Poké Slams (Poké Floats)
2101:52Slamfield (Battlefield)
2200:18Outro (You Been Slammed)