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The Soldier: From Severn to Somme

102:35Loveliest of trees
202:19Black Stitchel
302:28On the idle hill of summer
402:06Look not in my eyes
506:42Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen
602:24Les berceaux, Op 23 No 1
703:46He is there!
802:56White in the moon the long road lies
901:59Severn Meadows
1105:35Polkovodets 'The field-marshal'
1202:50In Flanders
1301:39Think no more, lad, laugh, be jolly
1403:32Die beiden Grenadiere
1502:33Der Tambour
1602:51Der Soldat
1706:18Channel Firing
1801:55Into my heart an air that kills
1901:23When I was one-and-twenty
2002:28The lads in their hundreds
2103:43Is my team ploughing?
2202:30Lune d'avril
2302:16In boyhood