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The Ring Sessions

103:49The Luck Penny / Old Man Dillon / The Knights of St. Patrick
204:21Molly?s Graduation / Dougie MacDonald?s / The Congress
303:43Tomgraney Castle /
403:49Julia Delaney / Christmas Eve
504:48Planxty Fanny Power
605:05The Wise Maid / Ciaran?s / Touching Cloth / Sitting on the Throne
703:50Sailing Into Walpole?s Marsh / The Game of Love / The Teetotaller
803:52Ballydesmond / The Knockaboul
904:55Mad Jig Set: Dublin Strathspey / Eve?s Jig / Lady From Oceanside / The Christchurch
1004:12Gaffney?s Favourite Son / The Humours of Rahey
1105:54Lament for Terence MacDonough
1202:53Cranking Out / The Silver Spear