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The Paragon Ragtime Orchestra (finally) Plays 'The Entertainer'

jeux videos - The Paragon Ragtime Orchestra (finally) Plays 'The Entertainer'
103:18The Entertainer, for piano
204:18Magnetic Rag, for piano
302:45Stoptime Rag, for piano
402:57Kinklets, for piano
504:20Rose Leaf Rag, for piano
602:51Contentment Rag
703:30Pleasant Moments Ragtime Waltz, for piano
803:32Frog Legs Rag, for piano
903:07Elite Syncopations, for piano
1003:26Bohemia Rag, for piano
1103:03Dixie Dimples, novelty rag fox trot for piano
1203:34The Sycamore, for piano
1302:46A Breeze from Alabama, march & ragtime two-step for piano
1402:58The Rose-bud March, for piano
1503:38Prosperity, for piano
1603:27Eugenia, for piano
1703:45The Easy Winners, for piano
1802:57Reindeer for piano
1904:10Search-Light Rag, syncopated march & two-step for piano
2003:45The Strenuous Life, rag for piano
2103:16Maple Leaf Rag, for piano