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The Old Texas Fiddle, Vol. III

103:27Campbells Are Coming
204:18John Booker
304:28Gold Rush
403:24The Blind Man
503:03Lost Indian
602:52Get Your Boots
702:25Morg Williams Cotillion
803:11United States Marine March
903:52Learay Wolf Chase (1,027 Dogs)
1004:28Cattle in the Canebrake
1102:22Clear the Track
1204:13Billy in the Lowground
1301:51Old Crippled John
1403:29Great Big Taters in the Sandy Land
1504:14Go Home With the Girls in the Morning
1603:17Where the Dogwoods Blossom, on the Dogwood Trail, in Anderson County, Texas, Where I Was Born
1703:47Mace Bell's Civil War March
1802:39West Texas Blues
1903:49Winding Sheets
2002:39Darkness on the Delta
2102:09Where Is My Gray Horse?