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The Lost Tapes of Finnish Jazz

104:06Hard Flagan
203:32Damn Cold Day
304:45Cruel Beauty of Dissappearing
405:53On The Hills of Carelia
504:56I Cry for You
603:13Jimmy James (Bon Voyage)
704:59Cruisin' Miles
805:27Silent Steps of My Volvo
905:20House on the Hill
1005:13Show Must Go Home
1102:27Cat House
1201:45992 Mar Vista
1302:47Rambling Deep Squat
1402:06Sweet Natalia
1504:26X-raybans or Serengetis
1604:14Sudden Chance of Place and Time
1702:39Ine in Amusement Park
1801:14On the Hills of Carelia (Grande Finale)